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We offer a full refund if you cancel two working days before your chosen delivery date. For example, if your order is due on Thursday, the latest you can cancel is by end of day Monday. Saturday and Sunday we are closed so they do not count as working days.
Our team will be more than happy to resolve any issues. Please email contact@figsbakery.co.uk within 24-hours of your delivery: 1) picture showing fault 2) order number. All complaints are investigated and you may be asked to ship back the product to receive a refund. All refunds are subject to manager review.
If you enter the address wrong after we have sent it out, we you will not be able to get a refund. For this reason please double-check your address.
If you realised you entered an incorrect address, please get in touch as soon as possible so we can change the address before it’s dispatched.
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